
RumRam Cares

RumRam Cares

What  Do RumRam Team Care?

     We work hard to do one thing"Protect Your Boys and Girls's Foot" We know Children's skin is very tender. So we pay more attention to choose the meterial of the shoes and the quality of the shoes.,We choose specialized material for your sons and daughters ranging from different ages. 

Here are our suggestions:

The first stage: whitin baby 15 months , From crawling to early stage of walking

    At this stage, the baby begins to try to stand and walk. At this stage, the baby should be encouraged to barefoot indoors, let the foot directly touch the ground, increase the sense of grasping the soles of the feet, and cultivate balance. In order to keep warm and avoid foot injuries, shoes with thin soles and soft shoes are also encouraged indoors. In the outdoor, the ground environment is complex, it is recommended to wear protective shoes.

Second stage :  15 months to 24 months,Early stage of walking (unstable gait)

     At this stage, the children are in the toddler stage and start to have more walking time. However, due to the unsteady gait, it is encouraged to wear the toddler's toddler shoes which are easy to bend in the front half of the shoe. The shoe body is preferably designed with mesh. The sole is thin and soft, making the shoe easy to bend, so that the child can easily start when they walking.

Third Stage: 24 months to 48 months, steady period (steady gait)

      At this stage, the child is in a steady stage,Both feet bear the weight for a long time, and the thick sole of the foot covers the arch of the foot, which makes the foot flat.At the same time, there are also obvious hindfoot valgus and X-shaped legs.Children at this stage should wear harder children's steady shoes.These shoes need to have a particularly hard heel cup to further control the hindfoot eversion, gently support the arch, and the sole is also easy to twist and easy to start.